
January 31, 2022

Congratulations Israel for Being Number One!


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Israel, congratulations!You are number one in the world – and this is no small feat for a small country. But you tried so hard, and now you are the number one in Corona infections in the world! 

All of those va((ines you delivered. The government was so efficient, Israel soon become the number one va((inated country in the world! They turned this place into one testing laboratory and used the citizens as guinea pigs. The citizens complied, rolling up their sleeves for an unproven product. 

This product was supposed to stop transmission but seemed to only invite it. It was supposed to lessen the side-effects of the disease in the elderly and immunocompromised, but if so, why also go after the robust, healthy population, pregnant women, and children with perfect immune systems? 

And despite the fact that the short-lived trials never offered extra doses for protection, you took on the medical mantle and decided to take a risk. You kept offering more doses, and more, becoming the first nation in the world to administer a fourth!  

All because you want to be number one. Desperately. Meanwhile, many other countries are taking a step back and looking at Israel and scratching their heads. Why are the numbers so high? And why are so many of the infected va((inated? And why are they vaccinating the Israeli children? 

And why are they keeping the totalitarian green passports if this virus goes after immunized and non-immunized equally, without checking their papers at the door? 

Because you love control. In fact, like thieves in the night, you passed the Enabling Act on January 26, giving yourselves even more bracing controls over the public. Is there a relationship to the act by the same name that Germany passed on March 23, 1933? After Hitler was appointed chancellor in January of 1933, he wasted no time in getting rid of democracy in Germany. Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933 enabled him to pass unconstitutional laws without objection. This paved the way for a legal dictatorship, and the rest is history.

Times are dark as liberty is engulfed into shadow. Meanwhile, a large part of the Israeli population is either sick or recovering, homebound and weak. People try to go to work, but are often find themselves back home in quarantine again and again and again.  

Meanwhile, many are running for the fourth va((ine, in the hopes that it may offer extra protection, but by now, everyone knows immunity wanes after a few weeks. Yet the virus mutates, becoming even more evasive and contagious in the hopes of visiting up all. Some things you cannot escape. 

Israel needs to stop trying to control a fight it may never win. Light, love and trust are our healers, along with healthy doses of vitamin C, D, quercetin, and zinc. 

Natural immunity is also under-rated, but it a G-d given gift. Go out and exercise, enjoy friendships, and keep a sense of humor. It may be a long, tough ride, but darkness never stays triumphant.

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