They call it the happiest five-kilometer run on the planet. Tel
Aviv recently hosted an unofficial version of a Color Run™. Color Runs began in 2012
to help promote health and happiness. There have been 170 events in over 30
countries so far.
Last Friday, thousands of runners came out to Hayarkon Park,
including my husband, son and daughter. I declined, as I was turned off at the
idea of inhaling paint particles. Turns out it was a great time for a great
What is a color run? Runners wear white shirts and sunglasses.
As they run, bystanders throw paint powder, dousing runners from head to toe with
paint. By the end of the race, participants resemble human tie-dye.
Apparently, the paint is environmentally friendly paint powder
made from cornstarch. It is also a great opportunity for Nirlat, an Israeli
paint company, to display their wares.
My daughter, who ran with the organization Yachad,
took the body painting aspect to a new level. Before the race began, she found
herself in a paint fight and became covered from scalp to calves in globules of
paint that later required intense scrubbing to remove. How did she get covered
in indelible paint when the race was all about removable, healthy paint powder?
Only she will know.
Turns out, the Tel Aviv race was a little different than the traditional Color Run as bystanders did not throw paint on the runners. Instead, race organizers tossed paint from five different color stations. Perhaps leaving paint tossing to Israeli bystanders was a little too risky for our enthusiastic, assertive population. My husband finished the race unscathed. 'Too clean,' he concluded.
Turns out, the Tel Aviv race was a little different than the traditional Color Run as bystanders did not throw paint on the runners. Instead, race organizers tossed paint from five different color stations. Perhaps leaving paint tossing to Israeli bystanders was a little too risky for our enthusiastic, assertive population. My husband finished the race unscathed. 'Too clean,' he concluded.
The event was also held on the 40th anniversary of
the Yom Kippur War. Some forty years later, many Israelis are still emotionally
scarred from this war. Many of the runners were PTSD sufferers and the
symbolism of this run was to have these victims become more visible as they
become covered in colorful paint. Some 1,000 combat soldiers participated in
the run. The run ended with a big event for Natal, lots of loud music and
colorful fun.
In Israel, sweetness and sorrow are often tied into one tight,
complex knot. Israelis suffer, yet they know how to rejoice and run on with
their lives. This event was very symbolic of Life In Israel.
Here is a promotional video:
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